德古意特具有悠长的出版历史,出版世界上最古老的数学期刊Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (始于1826年),并且与德国数学学会保持紧密合作,出版内容不断增长,尤其在非线性分析、应用数学和随机过程等领域。德古意特数学出版物均来源于享有盛名的科学研究机构,比如德国数学学会German Mathematical Society、奥地利科学院Austrian Academy of Sciences、白俄罗斯国家科学院数学研究院Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science of Belarus。
2020—30E-Journal(TITLE) |
First Year |
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik |
01.01.1826 |
Advances in Calculus of Variations |
2008/1/25 |
Advances in Geometry |
2001/3/1 |
Analysis |
1981/2/15 |
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis |
2012/3/15 |
Advanced Nonlinear Studies |
2001/8/1 |
Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics |
2010/3/22 |
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics |
2001/1/20 |
Discrete Mathematics and Applications |
1991/1/1 |
Mitteilungen der DMV |
1993/3/20 |
Stochastics and Quality Control |
2001/4/1 |
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis |
2011/2/23 |
Forum Mathematicum |
1989/1/1 |
Groups Complexity Cryptology |
2009/5/1 |
Georgian Mathematical Journal |
1994/2/1 |
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation |
2000/3/1 |
Journal of Applied Analysis |
1995/6/1 |
Journal of Causal Inference |
2013/6/1 |
Journal of Group Theory |
1998/1/1 |
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems |
1993/1/1 |
Journal of Intelligent Systems |
1991/9/1 |
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology |
2007/1/25 |
Journal of Numerical Mathematics |
2001/3/1 |
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications |
1995/1/1 |
Mathematica Slovaca |
2007/2/23 |
Nonlinear Engineering |
2012/3/20 |
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling |
1986/1/1 |
Random Operators and Stochastic Equations |
1993/1/1 |
Statistics & Risk Modeling |
1982/6/20 |
The interational jourmal of biostatistics |
2005/5/1 |